Sunday, October 18, 2015




ごご、わたしもとしょかんでべんきょうします。でも中国と韓国の歴史のべきょうをします。中国と韓国の歴史のクラスは火曜日から木曜日までです。大変です 。わたしのばんごはんはレストランでたべます。それから、うちでコンピューターでヴィデオをみます。たのしいです。わたしはじゅういちじにねます。


Monday, October 5, 2015

Why learning Japanese?

Why learning Japanese? As one of the most important languages in Asia, there is no reason for a student major in East Asian Studies to avoid learning Japanese. Especially considering my research interests in Chinese imperial history, I have to be able to read Japanese in order to consult all those Japanese scholars' works. But my interests definitely also originate also from leisure time. When I visited Japan, I am totally attracted by the scenery, the architecture as well as the food. Japan seems to have the best stationery and I am a total fan of Muji. Moreover, Japanese anime has the top quality. The continuous nostalgia expressed in Miyazaki Hayao's films is always touching. Hence, I decided to learn more about Japanese culture through learning its language, which is fundamental in my opinion to understand a nation and the people. And I really hope that I will keep learning Japanese in the future and communicate with Japanese friends in Japanese one day.



